Julia Moon Cannon: Prelude Can you shoot Earth from the Moon? Simulate lunar ballistic launches with Julia. Explore orbital mechanics, gravity, and drag in a simplified Moon-to-Earth cannon model.
Code Simple Stock Bot End-of-Life After over 5 years my Simple Stock Bot is being sunset. The popular Telegram and Discord Bots will soon no longer work.
US Government Report Featured Biden Admin Declares War on C++ Breakdown of the White House Report calling for the adoption of memory safe programming languages and the adoption of software security measurability.
Rant Ghost is a little empty without Email Ghost is the go-to platform for independent publishing. However, its SaaS model is pushing its reliance on Email which is hurting self hosting.
Technical Breakdown Beli: Rating Has Never Been So Good Comparison of current rating methods popular on the web alongside a technical breakdown of a new novel rating algorithm used in the Beli App.
Coding Challenge (Cancelled) shuttle.rs Christmas Code Hunt Shuttle Christmas Code Hunt: An early start to a month of puzzling.
Matlab Machine Learning Directed Study: Report 2 Advanced processing of 3D meshes using Julia, and data science in Matlab.
Matlab Machine Learning Directed Study: Report 1 Orbital Debris Characterization using K-means clustering.
Systems Engineering Continuous Integration and Systems Engineering Streamline systems engineering projects with Continuous Integration (CI). This post explains how CI can generate automatic reports, keeping teams informed on complex projects. See a real-world example of how a student capstone team used CI to bridge the gap between software and systems engineering,
Julia ISS Eclipse Determination Calculate sunlight exposure for orbiting spacecraft like the ISS. This Julia project demonstrates how to determine eclipse times, considering umbra, penumbra, and full sunlight. Visualizations and code included. Learn about orbital mechanics and mission design considerations.
Julia Air Propulsion Simulation Simulating the performance of a compressed air propulsion system as an alternative to solid rocket motors using Julia.
Notes How to use Mermaid on your Ghost Blog Render Mermaid code into beautiful diagrams on your Ghost Blog.