Reading List
The following is a collection of links that I often find myself referencing or sharing with others.
Top Links

Probably the most inspiring thing I've read. I think innovation should be a priority and this essay presents that perfectly.

The most high quality blog on the internet. I think every post could make this list. I chose this post specifically since it was released as I was modeling some GPS related behavior for my work at United Launch Alliance and it really helped me connect some dots.

All of Taylors writing is really good, but I find myself sending this to coworkers often and it is usually a pretty sobering read that can help you get back on an efficient track.

Great insight on economies of scale and just how capable the US Gov. was at innovating in aerospace.
Pauls note presentation style clicked with me far more than textbooks, so I give this website a lot of credit for getting me through college.

Lots of wisdom here. Super impressive how well its held up considering that spaceflight has gone through massive changes in the past decade.

Really good critique of the ConOps for the Artemis program.

A majority of my professional career has been writing tests, I've tried quite a few methods but this is definitely the best. If you are writing tests that ever need to be updated you will greatly thank yourself for writing them in a way that is easy for future people to understand.
This is your Python bible. Codify it into law in every project you take part in.
Great examples of how fast we used to accomplish great feats.

Kind of a follow on to It's Time To Build, which is linked above, but equally as great in my opinion.
I think Porsche does some of the best engineering in the world, but its without faults. This video sums it up nearly perfectly.

I think this is peak web dev and technical communication.