Libre Projects
Welcome to my collection of Libre Projects! Each of these projects is not only free to use and openly licensed but also comes with a hosted version when possible that you're welcome to utilize. I encourage you to explore, use, fork, and contribute to these projects. Your contributions, whether through using the hosted services, providing feedback, or contributing code, are invaluable.
Think free, as in free speech, not free beer. - Richard Stallman
Biggs Brief
RSS still seems alive and well, but there aren't any really good RSS readers out there. So, I decided to build my own that gives me kind of a newspaper/daily report. I also decided to make it open for anyone to read or use with their own feeds. Repository:
Wikipedia Location Bot
Really simple Telegram bot that you send your current location and it returns nearby Wikipedia entries. Awesome for if you are bored in a new part of town and want to do some reading, or on vacation looking for an adventure. Repository:
Dead Projects

Simple Stock Bot
Upgrade financial discussion's in your group chats with Simple Stock Bot. Get real-time stock market and cryptocurrency insights within your Telegram or Discord group chats. With Simple Stock Bot, keeping up with the stock market or cryptocurrency trends has never been more seamless and engaging. Repository: